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Main products:Colored wrapping paper Copy paper Craft gift wrapping paper of p Print the copy paper Print the tissue paper Print the toilet paper one Print the wrapping paper The toilet-roll is printed Tissue paper

Company Address:China Guangdong Dongguan East city area

Company Profile:               Cherish the paper industry and lie in Dongguan of well-known city of manufacturing industry in the sea.       The speciality supplies slim paper, slim wrapping paper to print; Dyed enterprises with craft colored printing of toilet-roll, kerchief worn by mal...


Main products:SILICA GEL Super absorbent polymer DESICCANT

Company Address:China Guangdong Jiangmen Xinhui District

Company Profile:本公司是一家集生产、代理、销售包装辅料、劳保净化、防静电防锈防潮产品等专业性企业,九四年创立于东莞,现有南海工厂及江门分厂(员工300多人)。主要从事生产干燥剂,除臭剂,防霉剂,防霉片,防锈袋,纯铝箔袋等防潮防霉防锈产品,江门设有展示厅及专营店经营: 干燥剂(防潮珠)、湿度显示卡、吸味剂(除臭剂)、防霉剂(片)、食品保鲜剂(片)、子母扣(手穿)胶针、吊牌胶针、吊牌枪、尼龙扎带、包胶扎线、橡皮筋、免(湿)水纤维牛皮纸、封箱胶、文具胶带、不干胶标签、热熔胶、 PVC/POF热缩膜(袋)、(拉伸)缠绕膜、防震海绵、保护膜、密实袋(骨袋)、珍珠棉袋、单/双面汽泡袋、PE平口胶袋、风琴袋、VCI气相防锈...

The dongguan treasure shengfeng shoes material Co., LTD

Main products:All kinds of shoes inside clot Industrial fabric Hex nets Sandwich nets cloth Special nets cloth Mesh cloth Case fabric Movement with cloth

Company Address:China Guangdong Dongguan Houjie town

Company Profile:本公司产品有BK布、佳织布、真美布、珍珠布、三层网布、箱包网布、鞋材网布、帽网、服装面料、里布、三明治夹层网、洗衣网、油光粗布、方格布、棱形网、四角网、六角网、小网眼布等多个品种。我们热忱期待着您的光临,谢谢!... 东莞宝盛丰鞋材有限公司成立于2002年。主要生产无纺布及各种鞋内里:主要有热熔胶港宝、化纤港宝、不织布港宝、针轧棉、不织布、起毛布、回力、乳胶等等,并提供各类贴合加工.......


Main products:anti-mold spray drying agent M-BUSTER ADKING antimicrobial agent anti-mold agent anti-mold chips anti-mold deodorant anti-mold desiccant

Company Address:China Guangdong Dongguan South city area

Company Profile:隆威公司专业从事防霉抗菌系列产品的服务销售,主营产品为:防霉抗菌剂,防霉包,防霉干燥棒,防霉纸,防霉剂、防霉片,防霉贴,防霉袋,除螨剂等防霉抗菌产品。公司秉持健康、无毒与环保和永续经营之理念,代理多种植物性无毒防霉抗菌配方产品。欢迎致电 咨询!13825780139...

Three hon shoes material factory

Main products:With skin skin plasma soles skin plasma welt leather plasma welt leather soles leather welt

Company Address:China Guangdong Dongguan Liaobu town

Company Profile: Our company is a professional development, production to male and female attire leather soles ` leather welt combination ` leather shoes material processing factory mainly pulp welt. Is located in the footwear industry closely following enterprise step, next to the high speed of songshan e...


Shoe supplier Leather,leather supplier Shoes accessories supplier Shoe machine equipment suppliers Shoes with chemical suppliers 中文版

Address: Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Room 501-511, Haoban Shoe Material Plaza, 1 Houjie Avenue West, Houjie Town

Tel : 0769 769 -22801988 -22803288 Fax

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